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Why should I use solar window film?

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Home and business owners should use solar window film for a variety of reasons, including UV protection, glare reduction, and temperature control.

Benefits of Solar Window Film

UV Protection

Solar window film blocks up to 99% of UV rays. UV rays are the primary cause of fading and deterioration of furniture, floorings, upholstery, and artwork, so blocking the amount of ultraviolet light entering your space extends the life of your interiors and decor. Other factors, such as heat, humidity, and colorfastness, influence fading as well, so although solar window film slows the process, it does not prevent fading entirely.

Glare Reduction

Solar window film shields your space from a portion of visible light. Depending on the type of film you select, you can opt for more or less visible light transmittance. By limiting the amount of visible light passing through your windows, you can minimize the glare you experience while looking at TV, computer, and mobile device screens. Certain varieties of film can also reduce the glare you experience when looking through your windows to the building exterior, allowing for enhanced views, even at night.

Temperature Control

Solar window film helps regulate interior temperatures by reflecting a significant portion of solar heat. Some films reflect up to 97% of infrared rays, reducing heat gain by about 60%. In addition to rejecting solar heat, a special type of 3M Window Film called Thinsulate helps insulate your property. The film retains the warm and cool air generated by your HVAC system, preventing it from escaping through your windows. This improved insulation results in enhanced comfort year-round. A related benefit of improved temperature regulation is better energy efficiency. Because your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard to maintain a constant temperature, it will use less energy, saving you money on energy bills and extending the life of your HVAC.

To learn more about solar films and identify the best solution for your space, contact ATD Solar Film & Graphics. Our team can help guide you in selecting a film that fulfills your requirements and adheres to your budget.