One hand holding up an energy efficient lightbulb, one hand holding an incandescent light bulb.

Easy Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

In Tips and Advice by ATD Solar Film & Graphics

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Residential and commercial buildings account for 40% of all energy consumed in America. And that’s largely due to the high amount of energy that’s wasted every single day. From single-family homes to industrial complexes, hundreds to thousands of dollars in wasted energy escapes through drafty doors, windows, and uninsulated areas. Antiquated heating and cooling systems also lead to decreased efficiency and higher utility costs. By making a few upgrades, you can improve energy efficiency, lower your carbon footprint, and save money on heating and cooling bills. Here are a few simple ways to make your home or building more energy efficient. 

Get an Energy Evaluation

The Department of Energy suggests the first step to improving energy efficiency is completing an energy evaluation. Conducting an energy assessment for your home or building can pinpoint how energy is being used to find areas of improvement. Benchmarking can also help you compare your building to others to get a better sense of the average consumption. 

Seal Air Leaks & Add Insulation

Most modern buildings and new constructions are designed from the ground up for energy efficiency. However, many older homes and even some newer buildings don’t have energy-efficient windows or even proper insulation. But air leaks can come from more than just drafty windows or doors. Attics, roofs, fireplaces, ceilings, and other poorly insulated or sealed areas can cause air to escape. 

That means all that heat or A/C goes right outside, resulting in wasted energy and high utility bills. Sealing leaks with either weather stripping, caulk, or foam can help keep heating and cooling inside where it belongs. Similarly, adding insulation to floorboards, walls, and areas that don’t have proper insulation can help better maintain temperatures to lower energy usage. 

Upgrade Appliances & HVAC Systems

Outdated appliances and heating and cooling systems are some of the biggest energy wasters. While these upgrades tend to be more expensive, they can significantly influence efficiency and your environmental impact. Switching to ENERGY STAR appliances will maximize your conservation efforts, so you’re no longer wasting energy by using old inefficient appliances. Not only do ENERGY STAR products save energy, but they’ll also help cut costs. In 2019, Americans saved almost 500 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and $39 billion in energy costs through ENERGY STAR. 

Use Energy Efficient Lighting  

As lighting makes up approximately 15% of the average electricity use in homes, homeowners can save around $225/year by switching to LED lighting. Old incandescent bulbs are energy drainers. That’s why ditching them for modern alternatives can improve energy efficiency and save money. LED bulbs not only last 25 times longer than incandescents, but they also use 90% less energy. 

Stop Cold Spots, Save Energy, & More with Window Film 

Whether you’re looking to boost efficiency in your home or business, window film reduces cold spots and helps you save energy, along with the other benefits it provides. 

How Window Film Improves Energy Efficiency 

 3M™ Window Film applies to flat glass surfaces, offering homes and buildings greater insulation, temperature control, and heat rejection. By reflecting as much as 79% of solar heat transferred through windows, window film retains natural light while making it easier to maintain temperatures. Not only does window film help with heat rejection, but it can also lower cooling bills by as much as 30%. 

Other Window Film Benefits 

Window film doesn’t just help prevent wasted energy and lower utility bills, but it also offers: 

Invest in Window Film for Your Home or Business 

If you want a simple way to improve energy efficiency for your home or business, window film is an affordable, versatile solution with many benefits. Reach out to one of our window film experts today to learn more and get a free quote! 

ATD Solar Film & Graphics provides residential and commercial clients with high-quality window tinting services. As a Premier Elite 3M Certified Dealer, we prioritize customer service and strive for flawless installations every time. Contact us today for a free consultation, samples, or for more information!